Saurabh made an appearance on One America News Network’s Tipping Point with Kara McKinney, where he discussed America’s labor crisis, how to build an economy that rewards families and the middle class, and President Biden’s student loan forgiveness bill. You can enjoy the interview here.
American Moment President Saurabh Sharma joins OANN’s Tipping Point with Kara McKinney to discuss an L.A. Times piece highlighting American immigrants to Mexico, and the Mexicans who want them to leave.
Our president Saurabh Sharma joined Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA on ‘The Charlie Kirk Show’ podcast to talk about deconstructing the deep state and fixing the conservative personnel pipeline.
American Moment joined other leading conservative organizations in the 2025 Presidential Transition Project in an advisory capacity on issues of junior and middle-level personnel talent identification and development.
American Moment President Saurabh Sharma joins The American Conservative’s podcast ‘Empire Has No Clothes’ wth hosts Curt Mills and Will Ruger to dicsuss the intersection of domestic politics and policy with foreign policy.
Our president Saurabh Sharma joined Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA on ‘The Charlie Kirk Show’ podcast to talk “new right,” fixing the conservative personnel pipeline, and more.
Saurabh Sharma joins Kara McKinney on OANN’s Tipping Point to discuss immigration, the Republican establishment’s obsession with GDP, and how working-class Americans bear the brunt of the failures of American leadership.
After a brief hiatus, Moment of Truth returns with an all-new episode — and a revamped logo and design — to kick off Season 2. Dr. Scott Atlas joins us to break down COVID-19 hysteria, failures of lockdowns, and how “the experts” got it wrong.
On Thursday, our president Saurabh Sharma discussed the emerging conservative realignment on the Manhattan Institute-hosted panel, ‘Who’s Right? Millennials, Gen Z, and the Future of American Conservatism’ in Navy Yard, D.C.
Our president Saurabh Sharma joined Tom Shakely of Americans United for Life on the ‘Life, Liberty, and Law’ podcast to talk the politics of Justice Breyer’s retirement, the mission of American Moment, and post-Roe politics.
New episode, every week.
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