American Moment Travels to Brussels for NatCon

Our team participated in the Second National Conservatism Conference in Brussels. This is following our previously announced strategic partnership with the Edmund Burke Foundation, the organization that puts on NatCon, to expand the intellectual reach of our worldview and promote a comprehensive worldview that supports strong families, sovereign nations, and prosperity for all. At the conference, our President and Co-Founder, Saurabh Sharma, chaired a panel on national sovereignty.

While the conference of course made headlines for Antifa protests that threatened to shut it down, we came out unscathed and more optimistic than ever. These callous attempts to silence us—by leftist activists, the city of Brussels, and the entire globalist European establishment—are all in vain. We have been so encouraged by the conviction and fearlessness of all in attendance, Americans and Europeans alike, in standing against these threats.

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