Saurabh Sharma Addresses NatCon IV in Washington

Read and watch the full remarks by President and Co-Founder of American Moment, Saurabh Sharma, for his plenary address at the National Conservatism Conference in Washington, DC on July 8, 2024.

“I was once speaking with a friend who has a storied record of service in the State Department, the imperial capital of the deep state. He told me something that I have been trying to beat into everyone who will listen for years since. In politics and government, sociology always beats ideology. Who you are friends with is much more relevant than what you claim you believe.

What I am here to tell you today, my friends and colleagues, is that the right needs friends. Not just within the borders of their independent nations, no. The right needs to build a nationalist internationale, a global anti-globalist alliance fit to fight the forces arrayed against us.

This is not going to be easy, comfortable, convenient, or straightforward, but it is essential if we are going to win the battle over the 21st century and the future of independent nations in the world to come.

As the world became smaller in the post-war era because of telephones and air-travel, left-wing movements around the world found themselves embracing each other. What started as motley gangs of convening communist academics has become a highly organized constellation of influence networks, think-tanks, and pressure groups.

The political left draws resources, knowledge, prestige, and power from this global network of allies. If the right is going to succeed, it must do the same.”

Read the full remarks, published at The American Conservative, here.

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